International collaborations

As a result of IPE’s 10-year work, Hungary has been a member of IASP, the world organization of science parks, for the first time in its history since July 2017. IPE represents our country in the organization of 400 science parks and 142,000 innovative companies, which is a permanent member of the UN Economic and Social Council.

Through the IASP and the IPE, Hungary can thus participate in negotiations with UN bodies and specialized institutions (FAO, UNIDO, UNESCO).
At the request of the European Parliament, IASP participates in the preparation of the support policy for the next multi-year budget cycle, its task is to plan the structure of innovation financing after 2020.

The 142,000 innovative companies they represent are transparent and accessible in the IASP network, which is constantly on the move, looking for their implementation locations worldwide.
With new technological and economic segments emerging, new markets open, transform and disappear, information and flexibility are the basis of competitiveness.
The highly qualified workforce, the research capacity, and the modern market are decisive factors in investor decisions, for which the science park model is a guarantee.

Compared to the entire industrial park system, almost a third (1,200) of established enterprises operate in the Science and Technology Park system parks, which employ 20% of the employees (40,000 people). In 2016, these enterprises generated 20% of the sales of enterprises operating in domestic industrial parks, nearly HUF 2,750 billion. The total value of investments in these parks so far exceeds HUF 700 billion. In recent years, the sales revenue of the companies operating in the parks has multiplied.
Funds devoted to developing science and technology parks and projects launched in the parks can be realized by the combined use of private, public, co-financed and direct European Union funds. In this area, strengthening the topic as a program and stabilizing the resource system is the proposed strategic task of the near future, in which the professional organization is available with all its experience.

Within the framework of the TTP system, the park creates the ideal implementation environment for joint venture projects and start-ups, which is a significant attraction for industrial players.
As a customer or consortium partner, companies can implement their developments in an advanced environment within the framework of basic research, industrial research, or product development.
While coordinating university and company R&D activities, projects can be formed based on several logic in the STP system.